
Multiple Implants in Balcatta

Replace your missing teeth with multiple dental implants. It is the most natural, comfortable, and durable way to restore your beautiful smile.

missing teeth multiple dental implants might be the solution for you 1
missing teeth multiple dental implants might be the solution for you 2

Multiple dental implants can permanently replace missing teeth

Missing several teeth can be life-changing. It diminishes a person’s chewing ability and affects how they speak. More importantly, it makes a person more conscious of their smile.

Losing teeth increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and other dental problems. The bone left by the extracted teeth also shrinks. Eventually, these changes in the jaw bone can cause a shrunken face appearance. This causes a person to look older than they are.

Comfort Care Dental offers dental implants, which are an excellent treatment option for missing teeth. These are tooth root replacements that are surgically embedded into the jawbone. They are used as attachments to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or a full arch of teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Implants are strong, durable and look natural. This treatment can stop the process of bone loss and facial collapse. It can also give you a more youthful appearance by restoring your smile. So, if you have missing teeth and need to get them replaced, make a consultation appointment with one of our dentists today.

Who Needs Multiple Dental Implants?

Dental implants allow patients to have teeth replacements that look, feel and function like natural teeth. The firm anchorage of multiple dental implants to bone enables it to support numerous artificial teeth at a time providing patients with durable and natural-looking false teeth.

who needs multiple dental implants

Patients with missing teeth but still have remaining natural teeth left

Multiple dental implants may be an option for treatment if you are missing some of your teeth but still have natural ones left in good condition. A dental implant procedure allows patients to have replacement teeth that are indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Patients who lost all their teeth

Multiple dental implants are generally the best option for restoring the smile and chewing function of patients who have no teeth. These implants offer greater retention and support than traditional dentures to avoid slipping and shifting. They also closely resemble real teeth which results in a more natural-looking appearance.

Patients with faulty fixed bridges and removable partial dentures

Since multiple dental implants are embedded into the jawbone, it provides stable attachment to false teeth without sacrificing the adjacent teeth. If you have a fixed bridge or a removable denture that became loose due to the damage or decay of the teeth they're attached to, dental implants can be an alternative form of treatment for you.

Why Choose Comfort Care Dental

 If you are searching for a new dental clinic that provides high-quality treatment and excellent service, Comfort Care Dental is a perfect choice. Here are the reasons why you should choose Comfort Care Dental.

Modern Technology

Comfort Care Dental's state-of-the-art facilities allow us to provide a wide range of dental services to ensure that our patients receive the highest quality care possible.

Experienced Dental Team

Choosing your dentist can be a difficult task, but not in Comfort Care Dental. Our friendly team of dentists and staff are well-trained, experienced and trustworthy. Whether it's dental cleaning, root canal treatment, orthodontic treatments or dental implants, our team is prepared to provide for your needs.

Relaxed Environment

Comfort Care Dental understands the importance of providing patients with a relaxed and comfortable environment. Our team is dedicated to delivering stress-free care that meets each patient's unique needs and expectations.

Flexible Payment Plan

Comfort Care Dental is proud to be a preferred provider for many health funds. We are also aware that not everyone has health insurance, or the procedures they cover may be limited. For this reason, we provide flexible payment options like flexible payment plans to make dental services affordable for everyone.

We Accept
All Payments and Health funds

Comfort Care Dental is a trusted dental practice in Balcatta. We offer flexible payment options and accept all major health funds.

We understand that dental services can be costly. Hence, we provide financing alternatives to make oral care more accessible for everyone. We partnered with the most popular buy-now-pay-later options like Humm and Afterpay to make quality dental care more affordable to all individuals.

We are also a preferred provider for Medibank, HBF, HCF, CBHS, and NIB.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

A dental implant can replace missing teeth. It serves as an artificial tooth root where a false tooth is attached. The firm attachment of the implant to the bone enables it to retain restorations like crowns, bridges, partial denture and even complete denture. With implants, patients no longer need to worry about slipping or moving dentures. They can have more naturally-looking restorations that give them more confidence to speak and smile.

If a patient is missing two or more teeth, multiple dental implants can be used as anchorage to replace them. Because the implant attaches firmly to the bone, it can support more than one tooth without attaching to the natural teeth. This way, the patient’s remaining natural teeth can be preserved.

Considering the number of missing teeth and the quality of the patient’s bone, the dentist will determine the number of implants needed to support the patient’s artificial teeth. Two dental implants can support up to four-tooth bridges. At the same time, four to eight implants are usually needed to support a complete denture.

Replacing multiple teeth with multiple implants does not mean that there should be the same number of implants to replace the same number of teeth. Implants can bear more load than an individual tooth. With proper treatment planning, your dentist will recommend the best number of implants that will be enough to replace your missing teeth. 

Your dentist will also assess if your jaw bone is enough to support the multiple implants you will need. If there is no sufficient bone, your dentist will recommend bone graft treatment to augment your bone structure. This will encourage bone growth so that there will be sufficient bone to support your implants.

Multiple dental implants offer several benefits over other alternative treatment options, such as increased durability and better retention. With multiple dental implants ,the firm attachment of implants to the bone prevents replacement teeth from becoming loose. Patients can speak and laugh without worrying about their dentures coming off. Aside from this, the stability restores the chewing ability of patients and makes them feel like they’re eating with natural teeth.

Multiple dental implants also help preserve the remaining natural teeth. Natural teeth no longer need to be trimmed and reduced to a smaller size because fixed bridges can be attached to implants rather than on natural teeth. This reduces the risk of damaging the natural teeth and preserves their natural structure.

Additionally, dental implants preserve the structure of the jawbone, and it is the only tooth replacement method that provides this benefit. Multiple dental implants prevent the shrinkage of bone, also called bone resorption, which is a noted effect whenever teeth are extracted. Considerable shrinkage of the jaw bone can cause facial changes and a shrunken face appearance. With dental implants, the resorption of bone is prevented, and the patient’s facial structure is preserved.

Multiple implants are generally safe for patients with good overall health and oral hygiene. These two factors significantly increase the success and safety of multiple dental treatments. Each patient has to be assessed thoroughly by the dentist before considering any dental implant procedure. Any systemic health issues and dental issues must be addressed first to ensure safe treatment delivery.

Dental implants depend on healthy bone for them to be successful. If the bone is not healthy, there will be no firm implant attachment to the bone. As a result, the dental implant can either become loose or cause further damage to the bone.

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, affects the jaw bone. In the case of natural teeth, gum diseases like periodontitis can cause bone loss leading to movement of the teeth whenever the patient bites or talks and tooth pain. These effects can also occur with multiple dental implants.

Gum disease increases the risk of implant failure, especially during the initial healing phase. It prevents the binding of the implant to the bone and causes the bone to shrink, leaving very minimal bone to where the implant can attach. This is why patients need to undergo a proper assessment before having dental implants. If a patient has gum disease, he must have it treated and controlled first before considering dental implants. Also, once the implants are in and the prosthesis is attached, the patient must follow a strict oral hygiene routine to prevent gum disease.

When considering multiple implant procedures, it is vital to be aware of the possible risks associated with them. The treatment process of dental implant placement requires surgery, and it is not without risks. 

Like other surgical procedures, there is a risk of infection, trauma or damage to other implants or the remaining teeth, trauma to blood vessels and nerves, sinus perforation, and implant failure. Nevertheless, with proper care and attention from an experienced dentist and a compliant patient, these risks can be minimised and managed well.

Patients with multiple implants must visit their dentist at least every three months. During the visit, the dentist will determine if the patient is following a strict oral hygiene routine. The dentist will also check if there are no gum tissue and bone changes around the implant. With close monitoring, the dentist will be able to see and address any implant complications that may occur.

Caring for your implants and maintaining your oral health are crucial factors in treatment success. Ways of taking care of dental implants are almost the same as natural teeth. Tooth brushing three times a day and flossing between the implant and the teeth are effective methods of removing food debris and plaque. The area around and under the implant must be cleaned well to avoid gum inflammation when brushing. Visiting your dentist every three months is also necessary so that your dentist can monitor your oral care routine and check for any gum tissue and bony changes occurring around the implant.

Dental implant treatment is a popular and effective option for replacing missing or damaged teeth. However, this procedure is considered expensive due to the cost of materials, complexity of the treatment, and labour involved in the process. 

The cost of dental implants depends on the number of teeth to be replaced and the number of implants needed to support it. However, despite being expensive, many people still consider dental implants to be a worthwhile investment due to their lasting durability, excellent aesthetic results, and overall cost-effectiveness over time. While other less expensive treatments may be available, dental implants are still chosen as an excellent and suitable treatment option.

Having multiple implants is one of the ways to replace missing teeth. Other alternative dental treatments include fixed bridges and removable partial dentures.

Fixed bridges are dental crowns connected to each other. They can be made of metal, porcelain or both, and it is used for patients with remaining healthy teeth. This dental treatment replaces teeth by anchoring itself to the teeth on either side of the space. These teeth are called abutment teeth, and for the bridge to fit them, they are trimmed or reduced to a smaller size.

 Fixed bridges are best used to replace only a few teeth. A long-span bridge that replaces more than two teeth is not advisable because doing so will traumatise the two abutment teeth, for they will be bearing the biting force that is supposed to be carried by numerous teeth. This occurrence can lead to loosening of the teeth and, eventually, tooth loss. For this reason, if a patient is missing more than two teeth, it is best to consider other teeth replacement options.

A removable partial denture is another dental procedure that aims to replace missing natural teeth. It is made of artificial teeth connected to a gum-coloured base that may or may not have a metal framework. Like a fixed bridge, removable partial denture anchors on remaining natural teeth with clasps to prevent them from slipping. However, unlike fixed bridges, it does not require trimming the teeth. The denture clasps go around the abutment teeth, preserving the natural tooth structure of real teeth. 

A removable partial denture is a good tooth replacement method. However, some patients do not prefer them due to their bulkiness, making it difficult for them to get used to eating and talking while wearing them. Some patients also complain of pressure pain when they bite.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team !

At Comfort Care Dental, we offer quality care and individualized treatment plans. Our team is passionate about oral health and invested in helping our patients achieve their dental goals. Schedule an appointment with us today to start on the path to a healthy smile!

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